2020, Let Me Take The Time

It’s been almost 6 months since the last time we connected like this. Please let me take the time to pause and wish you and your loved ones safe, healthy, and peaceful holidays and the last weeks of the year. 
What a year it is! I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time believing that 2020 is about to go behind us. The end of the year and Winter Solstice time always feels somewhat liminal and introspective to me, and the feeling is particularly strong this year. So much has happened in the past 12 months, and I have a feeling that it will take years for me to process it. One of my holiday-wishes this year is that I will give myself space and time to allow 2020 to unfold within, no matter what comes up. 
I’m also going through the Kindness Workbook by Elaine Beaumont and Mary Welford, and one of the stories struck me:
One evening a grandfather was teaching his young grandchildren about the internal battles each one of us faces. ‘There are two wolves fighting inside each of us,’ he said. ‘One wolf is vengeful, angry, resentful, self-pitying and scared . . . the other wolf is compassionate, joyful, generous, kind, faithful, hopeful and caring . . .’ The children thought about this for a moment or so and one asked: ‘Which wolf wins, Grandfather?’ The grandfather smiled a knowing smile and replied, ‘The one you feed.’

Ultimately, our being and our world manifest the seeds we sow and the wolves we feed. Which wolves have I fed to be here and now? Which wolves will I feed going forward? Which wolves do you hope to feed in 2021?